Tuesday, November 7, 2006

We're Baaaaaack......

Not that we were away but it has certainly been a while since I got a post up here. It has been incredibly busy latey. Work is busy as always but even moreso and I have had a lot of work for the conference I chair through the Y. It took place on the weekend and it was a GREAT success. I will post more info about that later.

Jon has done a mega paint job on the baby's room - will will take some pics this week - it is really sweet. He is also still fixing up all the things around the house that we are hoping to have done before the arrival in January. The house is really becoming a home.

We had about 70 kids for Halloween. See one of Jon's 5 pumpkins here. We had so many comments on them but this was his favourite. He was going to paint my belly like a pumpkin but we just didn't have time.

I am 30 weeks pregnant today - I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is moving. the baby is getting BIG, I can feel her every move these days. She is really busy and spends a lot of time kicking for daddy. This morning she was very responsive to a light we were putting on my bump. It is all so amazing and we are getting very anxious to meet our little one. Though I have told her in no uncertain terms that she is to stay put until at least the new year!


  1. Hi Chris,
    Love the mirror in the picture, looks really nice. And the girl in front of it sure looks more ready to deliver than when I saw her a couple of months ago! The time is going to be going so fast from now on, glad the conference is over and was such a success. Was there newspaper coverage? Let us know if there are any dr. updates. Take care, you look great! rl

  2. Hi Christie:
    Your mom gave me your baby blog. Have no idea what I'm doing but I'm typing anyway. Pictures are great and you look wonderful. You are obviously busy getting the baby's room ready. Didn't realize you knew you were having a girl. Girls are pretty special...speaking from experience. Lots of love from Montague, PEI and best of luck.
