Thursday, October 11, 2007

9 months

Violet is 9 months today. Time is flying by and we are having so much fun with our little doll! She has changed dramatically in the past few weeks, from crawling to pulling up and walking around the house on our fingers. We have been very surprised on a few occasions when she has let go and stood entirely on her own for a few seconds - she didn't even realize she was doing it at first but now she balances with her butt sticking out and a big smile on her face, eventually lowering herself to the floor with ease. Her personality is more and more extroverted - she has taken to screeching at strangers to try and get their attention and she really enjoys playing with other kids, she particularly likes stealing their toys but she seems to be content enough for them to be stolen right back from her.

Still having lots of fun with food, V is eating anything and everything but absolutely LOVES meat! We are giving her a little bit of cheese too and it disappears pretty quickly. Happily, she still loves fruits and veggies so we are having a good time of feeding her a balanced diet (including lots of cheerios!). She is almost exclusively feeding herself these days so everything has to come in bite sized pieces, its a pretty messy affair but she is really developing some great motor skills.

We are getting ready for our big trip to London - leaving in just a few days!! We are excited about the adventure and terrified about the flights and time change. We are just getting Violet's sleeping sort of stabilized and we are pretty worried about messing it up again. Ah well...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Just a quick tip for those people that have a slow internet speed.
If you press play and the video starts and stops periodically, it is because it hasn't fully downloaded enough data on you computer to show the video uninterrupted.
To fix this problem, simply press play and then press pause right away. This will trigger the video to download. (You can tell that the video is downloading by the little grey bar sliding across the line at the bottom of the video screen.) Wait a few seconds, up to a couple of minutes; and then press play to enjoy the video without those annoying starts and stops.

Caught in the act!

I may regret posting this.
She will get her revenge, I'm sure... but what the hell...

More vids.

This damn uploading video thing is turning out to be more hit and miss than I was hoping.
Oh well. If you're reading this, these videos have uploaded successfully.


Finally after all this time, she's figured out the crawling. In the span of less than a week she's become quite a pro. She likes to move from room to room now, exploring her little world.

Having trouble uploading more videos. So I'll try again later.