Monday, October 1, 2007

Just a quick tip for those people that have a slow internet speed.
If you press play and the video starts and stops periodically, it is because it hasn't fully downloaded enough data on you computer to show the video uninterrupted.
To fix this problem, simply press play and then press pause right away. This will trigger the video to download. (You can tell that the video is downloading by the little grey bar sliding across the line at the bottom of the video screen.) Wait a few seconds, up to a couple of minutes; and then press play to enjoy the video without those annoying starts and stops.


  1. Jon you are brave!!
    I didn't catch on that was Christine singing the first time I viewed. It is a great clip.
    I am having trouble getting Grampy here to look at the site. Will likely go to Mark's tommorrow. We will be eating turkey on Monday and will be thinking of you. Will try getting a call through when the boys are there.. unless Paul HAS to go hunting.
    lots of love
