Friday, February 2, 2007

A thanks from Violet.

We have been inundated with packages from loved ones all over Canada. From clothing to little stuffed animals, to coffee for the sleepy parents - it's all been so wonderful.
I can't thank you all enough for the gifts! I can only hope to be so supportive were the tables turned. I tell you all enough how much we appreciate it!

Christine and I are learning quite a few things about our little girl as the days progress. As part of the support we've been receiving from friends and family, we've been gathering a lot of much-needed advice on how to keep her happy and sleeping just a little bit longer. We bought a high tech rocker that plays music and flashes different coloured lights. We've bought a CD that plays soothing sounds, similar to what a baby might experience in the womb. We've attached a vibrating pad under where she sleeps to comfort her. And we've pretty much have come to conclusion that none of these things work! She's a low-tech baby.
Wrap her up tightly and that helps. But the only thing that actually relaxes her are cuddles, day and night (and food helps!). Can you blame her for that? Of course not. She just wants us around to make sure she knows that everything is going to be alright. And that's plenty to keep her comfortable thank-you very much!
Maybe she's too young for all the high-tech tricks. We plan on keeping them under our sleeve for now. Maybe one day they'll work.

A couple of days ago we made the big step and took her out to dinner with us to a restaurant. Who would have guessed that going to to an actual restaurant could be so exilerating? Thankfully Violet was on her best behaviour. We think she really liked Moxies, the restaurant, as it's a pretty loud and busy place and all the noise and hussle seemed to keep her content. Not once did she cry. We plan on doing it again very soon!

The weather has been amazing lately, so we've been taking a lot of walks. Day to day, Christine is steadily getting her strength back so we're able to go farther everyday.
It's so wonderful around here at this time of year when the flowers and trees begin to bloom, and sun stays longer than the rain. It's a perfect time to have a little baby in a sense that as things bloom and grow, and the weather becomes warmer and more agreeable, it makes it easier and more fun to spend time outdoors - something I don't seem to get enough of. And I'm trying to give Violet an early start on appreciating the outdoors with me. I'm already planning our first big hike.


  1. hey christine (& Jon)
    congratulations on your little bundle of joy.. she sure is a cuty..

    take care
    Bronwyn (BCBC)
