Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hello all.

Sorry it's been sooo long people. My hard drive crashed TWICE.
Hopefully it won't happen again, at least until I publish this post.
Violet's PEI grandparents came for a visit and Violet loved them, as well as having their company!

Proper post soon.
For now, here are some pics...


  1. Too cute!!! Violet's current hairdo makes her the spitting image of Jon - especially the photo of her with the colourful soother in her mouth. What a little sweetie. The photo of grandma and Violet napping on the couch together is one for the wall.
    Wish I could come visit too.....and take a nap of course. Would you change my diaper too? (oops, did I type that out loud?)

  2. love these pictures, violet's macdonald side is emerging in her looks, she's changed a lot in the week since I last saw her picture. Sounds like a really enjoyable visit all around, and parents of all kinds are looking very proud. Love the picture with George (can you believe I said that?), it gives some perspective on her size. Hope you have a great week and she continues making great strides in extending her sleep times. love rosemary.

  3. Hi
    So glad to see these, they are great. I notice more changes in Violet once I see the photos. She is so sweet and we sure miss all of you. It was a great trip, hard to believe it's already a week since we got back
    lots of love

  4. HI! Christine and Jon
    I hope you don't mind that Lesa e-mailed me your Blog.
    What a beautiful baby girl you have there!! Can't wait to see her in person. Are you going to make it to the Island this summer?
    Violet is a very lucky little girl to have parents who I know will always be there for her.
    We had Lesa's #29th Bday Bash on Sunday and your Mom, Dad and Missy were over. It is always great to have everyone together.
    This is such a great idea to help people keep in touch with you, especially your parents and brothers.
    Liz M
