Saturday, March 6, 2010

Big Girl, more than ever

I'm not sure what made 3 the magical age where your child gains so much independence all at once but all of a sudden Violet is now in classes BY HERSELF!  And of course she loves it - this week was her first swimming lesson without one of her parents in the pool. She didn't hesitate to go with the teacher into the pool and hung on every word she said,eager to learn all the 'moves' she had to teach her.  Today is her first gymnastics class which she will also attend by herself, even though her mother is really wanting to be a fly on the wall at least for a little while to see how she interacts with the teacher and the other kids.

V is going through some shyness these days but it isn't preventing her from doing anything yet. We are hoping to give her the confidence to go for it instead of being shy. Yesterday at the playground she asked Jon how she could play with another girl (about a 7 year old) and once given the instruction to just say hello she was on her way and ran around the playground with a whole group of older kids for an hour.

She's also riding her bicycle with a lot of confidence these days - so much so that its scary to watch her go down a hill :) She has a peddle-free bike that she pushes with her feet. The idea is that she will gain balance faster than on a tricycle because she can lift up her feet and glide when she gets going - she is just starting to pick up her feet and is having so much fun.  This has come after quite a lot of time spent with Violet and Jon slowly walking around the block as Violet got up her nerve.

We are very excited about our next baby Gleed - baby has started kicking, so far only hard enough for mommy to feel. The attached ultrasound photo is pretty unsatisfying but its all they could capture at 12 weeks because the little monkey was so busy jumping around in there. On the theme of babies, I came across this article on baby names this morning and thought there were some pretty funny ones coming out of Alberta.

We are nowhere near the atge of picking names though if our last experience is any indication we should get started because it is SUCH a hard thing to do!

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