Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Lots of updates from the Gleed clan, Violet as a 3 year old is, well Jekyll and Hyde basically. One minutes she is the sweetest, funniest, smartest little thing and we just can't get over how much she is developing and changing day by day. The next minute, she is in a full-on screaming, kicking tantrum about a tiny little thing that didn't go her way.  Case in point was her first experience at preschool at the open house this week. She was having SUCH an amazing time but then got quite upset when a BOY (yes - it would have been ok if it was a girl apparently) came to play beside her. She recovered from that and played happily with the other kids for another 20 minutes or so until one of her parents made a minor suggestion to correct something she was doing - tears again. And the finale, despite 5 minute warnings for about 20 minutes that we would have to leave soon, she through a total wally when we attempted to remove her play clothes and get ready to leave. This was perhaps the worst tantrum she has ever thrown, we were so proud :)

Here are recent pics from our ski trip to Mount Washington and around some others. Jon had Violet in a lesson then took her on lots more runs after that, he skied backwards all afternoon so they were both completely exhausted at the end of the day. The girl has absolutely no fear and loved the slopes. She is a bit of a speed demon.

I'm trying to type this with Violet on my lap, she has a new love of computer games ( she has mastered using the mouse and is pretty independent playing games on treehouse and Nick Jr) and is currently demanding either to type or play a game - this post will not be much longer...

To keep the whining at bay a little, here are some words from Violet. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccffffffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddddddddddddllllllllll

I've just asked her what she is excited about these days and she said her potty. She has been fully trained for a while now and has only ever had a few accidents. She also kicked the diapers at night time.

She says she is also excited (still) about her birthday - she is already planning for next year I think.

She is most excited though about being a big sister! We are expecting a baby on Aug 31. I am feeling pretty good (and large), looking forward to the second trimester when I hope to have a little more energy and don't have to send my husband out on shopping missions for my cravings.

In looking back at the blog, we realized that we thought there were more photos and videos from Christmas and  V's birthday here are some more.

Happy Valentines Day!

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