Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall 08

Our busy gal is not slowing down to say the least! Its full steam ahead these days and we are having a great time (minus the temper tantrums of course!) rediscovering everything with Violet as she finds the most everyday things so interesting.

She has become a great little helper "I help" is very common to hear from her these days, tonight she helped me cook the chicken and broccoli stirfry - she poured the oil in the pan, removed the garlic cloves from the bulb and helped me squish them in the press, she stirred the marinade and passed me every implement in the kitchen (though truth be told I didn't need them all!). Its amazing to see her being so proud of herself for helping - she was so proud that she actually ate her dinner because she knew that she had helped to make it - our great eater is a little pickier these days.

V still has teething issues - 4 are coming in right now which is making for a little bit of a sleep issue but otherwise I think she is used the the whole teething thing and just puts up with it.

I'm including some picks from a recent trip to the beach at East Sooke Park. Its s bit of a hike which was interesting with our crew of 4 adults and 3 small kids but it was a lot of fun - in the end all the kids were naked and wading in the water - west coast kids I guess. We didn't bring swimwear 'cause we thought the pacific ocean might be a tad cold on a late september day - apparently not cold enough to keep children out of it!

Violet just had her last set of immuizations until school age - what a trooper she was! A very little cry and all was well. Glad to have those things over with for a while...

Not much else is new around these parts, lots of talking and playfulness. We have to decide what to dress Violet up as for Halloween, I think if she was to choose it might be something like a princess - her parents might disagree on this! perhaps our trip this coming weekend to the pumpkin patch (and petting zoo, train ride, hay ride, face painting etc. etc. ) will get us in the mood to decide on a costume...

1 comment:

  1. Poor George, is Dr. V taking good care of him?
    The photos are great!
    Lots of love
