Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our girly girl

Our little gal is a budding artist - she wants to paint ALL the time but is happily satiated with crayons and her easel most of the time.

She is also really starting to enjoy pretending - all her teddy's like to have something to eat and drink and she has even delivered some medical treatment to Mr. Teddy as you will see in the video. She likes to "read" books to anyone, including teddy bears if they are willing to listen.

Though she is certainly outdoorsy and loves to get dirty and play outside her girly side is showing pretty clearly. The recent delivery of clothes from nanny and grampy ended in a fashion show that was initiated by one Violet Gleed. She also LOVES her shoes and has learned the tricks of putting each pair she has - she is often torn about which shoes she wants to wear but it usually ends up being the sparkly ones. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine, Jon and Violet. My gosh Violet is a real little beauty, like her mom:) I don't know how to post comments on here so I hope this gets through. I love the pictures Violet and getting to know little bits about what is going on in your lives. Christine, the words about your dad are beautiful. It is obvious how much you loved him and and how much you must miss him, I can't imagine. Keep writing, although it is hard, I think it will help you get passed the really sad to a pont where you can think about him and just smile and be happy and grateful to have had him in your life. Many hugs and kisses,
    from Chase and mama
