Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More pics of the baby's room.

Blogger can be picky sometimes. I had to break up the post this morning, as it doesn't seem to like too many pics in one post.
The characters were inspired by a Swedish folk artist by the name of George Nebren.
My arm was sore for a week after I had finished all the painting.



  1. hey jon and christine i love your blog it's a great way to keep everyone connected i can only imagine the excitement as time flys by you will be wonderful parents and will lowv being parents really is the best job ever we had your mom and dad down for supper sundday night and they are getting very excited for the arrival hope you have awonderful stress free holiday and more importantly have a speedy delivery merry christmas from all the greene family p.s. i love the baby's room sweet themt see you in the summer we hope gail:)
