Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Days

I wonder each morning what is going through little Greta's mind as she wakes up to the 3 faces of her immediate family smiling and cooing at her, waiting for (and expecting) her first smile of the day. Greta is usually the last of us to wake up (keep it up lovely girl) so when she rouses in her quiet and happy way, we want the good stuff, a big open mouthed smile from Greta and some cooing soon after if you please. Even on fast paced mornings, this seems to be a small moment in time that our household takes to marvel at our new arrival and compete for her attention for it feels so incredibly good to be on its receiving end.

Violet is still unfailingly happy to be a big sister and couldn't be happier to share her parents with baby Greta. She does feel a bit jipped of mom's attention from time to time but she is just so grown up and understanding for her age (in many ways but in others she is still very three - we have had some whopper tantrums lately).  Preschool is great for her, she loves the routine and the social interaction. Violet LOVES the art table which has a different activity each day and baking once a month. The art table only has 6 seats though and there are 14 kids so if she doesn't get there quickly (which means taking off her shoes and coat and getting into her indoor shoes) she is out of luck and has to play something else for a while until its her turn. There have been many tearful mornings when she thought she was going to miss out but she is now the fastest shoe taker offer and putter onner in the class - she just has to yell across to me to ask "is this the right foot or the wrong foot mommy?"

Greta is growing and changing so quickly it is just astounding. The human body is an incredible thing. At 10 weeks, Greta was just under 13 pounds and 24.5 inches, four inches longer than she was a birth. She is just the cutest little chubster, she is managing to store fat on her little body in ever nook and cranny and we love it! She is so strong and eager to get moving. She started rolling from her belly to her back at 7 weeks and is very close to rolling from her back to front.

We had a great visit with Nanny who was here for about 10 days in October. She (thank you mom!) took the morning shift with Violet who woke her up instead of us which was so very helpful. V is now trained not to get out of bed no earlier than 7:00 (thanks again mom) which makes the morning after a bad night so much more bearable. Violet's little battery operated clock is always in her bed with her now. We had awesome warm weather for mom's visit which made it possible to include some beaching and playground time which Violet really enjoyed.

We have also taken the girls on a couple of little trips to Vancouver and Saturna Island. Both were fun getaways which means they were a change of scenery and a 'little adventure' which we are happy to accomplish at this stage in the game.

Getting things done around here is pretty hard these days with the 2 girls but life is blissful. Greta is currently asleep in her car seat and Violet is in quiet time so I had just enough time to catch up on capturing some memories here :) Best get on to the Christmas list, at the rate I accomplish things these days time is already running short!

Check our fall and winter photo album for updates.

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