Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dearest Grampy

I've been trying to find the words to write about my dad. Every time I try I just can't seem to get further than a few sentences. I've decided today is the day and I am going to post whatever I can manage to get down and hope it does justice to the wonderful man that he was.

After a short battle with cancer, he died on January 11th. Dad was diagnosed just after Christmas and was only in the hospital for 2 weeks. He was so strong and positive about everything and he was so grateful for the good care that he received. I don't know how he found the strength to be so amazing as he was poked and prodded and on the receiving end of bad news on so many days. But he was and I was so incredibly proud of him for that.

I wish I could have been there while he was in hospital, to help take care of him. I would have been there if any of us had known that he would be taken so quickly. I am forever grateful to my brothers who were on the front lines of everything from receiving devastating news to taking care of any need Dad had to taking all the phone calls from concerned friends and family and making the final arrangements. And of course for being there now with Mom.

It still does not seem real and we are so heartbroken to have lost him at such a young age. He was only 60.

Violet's grampy is gone but will never be forgotten. The short time that Violet and grampy had together had a lasting impact and I truly hope we can help her remember him. He died exactly 2 years after Violet was born and now Grampy and Violet have a special date to share when we can celebrate both of them each year.

If you didn't know my dad you truly missed out. He was a special person who spent his life giving of himself to other people and because of that he had many, many friends. He was king of the pranks, he loved his family so much and was incredibly proud of his 3 grandchildren, he was my mom's love and friend for more than 35 years and he was a kid at heart.

Violet, Jon and I spent about a week in PEI with my family and have some wonderful memories of the time we all had together even though saying goodbye to my dad was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I know he is looking out for us now and he would have been amazed and proud to see the incredible turnout of 1300 people at his wake. He would have laughed and been delighted at seeing 3 of his pallbearers wearing their RCMP red serge and at the police escort for his funeral procession that stopped traffic.

There is so much more to say and I eventually hope to find the words to say it. We all miss you so much Dad.

1 comment:

  1. dear christine,

    i had lost violet`s blog address when i changed computers and have just now been catching up, what a lovely tribute to your father, i am very sorry for your sudden loss, it must have been a terrible shock.. and i am sure you draw comfort from having shared violet with him if even for a short time... father loss is difficult at any age, it took me 6 mons b4 i started feeling out of the acute stage of grief... i hope you are taking good care of your self and that his love of you and your memories are balm to a grievuos heart... many blessings to all of you, violet is too adorable, love, elaine
