Monday, July 21, 2008

Here we are at 18 months...

We are really enjoying summer in Victoria. The weather has been great and Violet is loving all the time at the beach and the park. She is so covered in dirt by the end of the day that she REALLY needs a bath - her little toes are completely black most days.

It is confirmed that she has her father's skin -shocking
I know :) It is all we can do to keep her from tanning - spf 60, hats, shade, shirt - you name it, she's wearing it! Her hands are almost as tanned as her Jon's.

The days of Violet happily eating everything in front of her are passed - for the moment at least. Her fussy toddler days are upon us and she does not gobble broccoli or any veggie like she used to. She has however developed a LOVE for ice cream which we have been letting her have on the occasional weekend. She is also now a dedicated starbucks customer - their banana loaf is her regular fav.

She is starting to talk a little and has really started signing a lot - she is a great little communicator. We read many many books everyday - she just can't get enough. She also LOVES TV and we try to keep it to a minimum - luckily she isn't into cartoons - mostly shows with kids and music.

Teething is still a major part of our lives and Violet now has 3 big molars and is currently working on a 4th.

We have lots of fun events and activities coming up that we are really looking forward to. We are having a laugh a minute with this funny little monkey...


  1. Great pictures!! I can see all the new teeth even.. Violet is so happy looking. She is having a great summer for sure. Look forward to a new posting when you get a chance. Hope this means Jon is on the mend
    lots of love Mom

  2. nice pictures guys, looks like a good summer. rosemary.
