Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer fun

Though I don't have any pictures to prove it, we took Violet for her first canoe ride this week - I have to admit, she hated it. Well actually, she really just hated the life jacket which they design to squash around her neck and ears - she was not pleased with this at all. She muddled through though - such a little trooper! She also managed to take a nice little nap while we stopped on an island for a swim (Jon and our friend Liz swam - Violet and I hung out under the cleverly placed umbrella papa Jon set up for us) and some lunch.

The sitting progress is really great, Violet is liking the new angle she has at her disposal for playing with her toys. She has absolutely no fear, we have to surround her with pillows because she literal throws herself toward any object of interest in hopes of reaching it - the girl plays with gusto.

We have introduced some veggies into Violet's diet - yams, peas and squash so far - loves'm all. Yesterday the Shrek green peas ended up ALL over the place when a fresh spoonful and a sneeze were combined. Violet thought it was hilarious.

We are getting ready for our big trip east - crossing fingers and toes that Violet will be a good traveller.

A couple of great discoveries have been made in the past couple of weeks as well -
1. a cold can of beer is excellent chewing for a teething baby
2. George has slightly less disgust for Violet since we have taught him to gently take dog treats from her hand. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and post. Can't wait to see her and her parents, and all the new things she's doing. love rl.
