Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Escape Artist

Here are a couple of pics of Violet escaping from her little chair which I did NOT think was possible. I left the room for a few seconds while she was in her chair, next to her play mat for entertainment, and when I came back she was on the floor. I put her back in to see if she would show me how she did it and within seconds had herself launched onto the floor again using the arms of the play mat for leverage. Of course, she stopped for a quick gnaw on the arm of the mat before her perfect landing :)

These pics are from our trip to Tofino last week. We had a nice time but it was pretty quiet as Jon had a REALLY awful stomach bug. We still aren't sure what it was, he is still recovering but luckily feeling significantly better.

The pics in the last post of Violet and I in the restaurant are at the Wickinninish Inn where Jon and I stayed and dined on our honeymoon. We took Violet there for a fancy breakfast, she loved it - lots of people to flirt with. We have to take her out regularly for some interaction with faces other than ours. She requires a good flirting session with strangers at least once a day or she gets bored and cranky. Today it was starbucks. She had 2 women eating out of the palm of her chubby little hand.

The pic of Jon and Violet on the beach is just outside the house we stayed in on Chesterman's beach.

Violet is in training to be a sitter. Jon is anxious to take her hiking in a backpack which is meant for a baby that can sit up. She is doing great and can sit for a few seconds at a time without any help already.

1 comment:

  1. oops, Nanny can't count. It seems like she is older though. Love the escape routine. Reminds me of Paul-when he was awake he was on the move. Great that Violet is so social as she can expect lots of opportunities for flirtation when she gets here.. Love ya mom
